Female Foeticides
Increasing incidence of female foeticides is a most distressing phenomenon which puts a question mark on the development of society. The crime of foeticide is on an increasing in the society. On one hand there are tall claims about growth of civilization, and on the other practice of such a despicable crime.
Nature has its own mechanism which if disturbed could lead to destruction. In today’s context, it appears as if human beings are not seriously concerned about destruction. The evidence of this is visible in the increasing incidences of foeticide.
In our society, where a woman’s identity gets challenged from many angles it cannot be denied that women hailing from the enlightened section of the society tend to be anti-women. Some may argue that legislation is already there against foeticide. However one cannot escape one’s sense of responsibility. Unless the social conscience is aroused, the impact of legislation becomes limited. Indeed no legislation would be of any avail until such times as the society does not change its notions towards the women-folk.